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Revolutionize Management with Tags in Track

· 2 min read
5 Methods to Evaluate Your Business Performance

Track, your essential partner in business management, takes an exciting leap forward with the introduction of Tags! This powerful feature is designed to provide you with a more intuitive and efficient management experience than ever before.

What are Tags in Track?

Tags in Track are like magic labels that transform the way you organize and access your contacts and deals. Each Tag is a customized category that you assign to your contacts or deals, allowing for fine organization and instant retrieval.

Why are Tags a Game Changer?

1. Personalized Organization

Create Tags tailored to your workflow. Whether by sector, deal status, or any other relevant criterion, Tags are fully customizable to align with your specific needs.

Say goodbye to tedious searches! Tags allow you to quickly find what you're looking for. Use them as keywords in the search bar for precise and instantaneous results.

3. More Efficient Management

With Tags, you have a clear overview of the distribution of your contacts and deals. Quickly identify opportunities, track progress, and optimize your business strategy.

How to Use Tags in Track?

Updating your Track application is the first step to enjoying this revolutionary feature. Then, follow these simple steps:

  1. Add Tags during Creation or Modification: When creating or editing a contact or deal, add Tags to categorize them instantly.

  2. Use Them to Filter Your Views: Need to see all ongoing deals? Select the corresponding Tag, and there you go!

  3. Incorporate Them into Your Follow-Up Strategy: Track the progress of your deals based on Tags to refine your sales approach.

Be Part of the Tag Adventure in Track!

This update with Tags is our response to your feedback and growing needs. We look forward to seeing how this feature will transform your experience with Track.

Don't forget to update your application and dive into the world of Tags for smarter and faster management!

The Track team thanks you for your trust and remains attentive to further improvements to come.

Stay organized, stay productive, with Track!

5 Tips to Increase Your Revenue as a Freelancer

· 4 min read
5 Tips to Increase Your Revenue as a Freelancer

As a freelancer, increasing revenue is a crucial goal to ensure the sustainability of your business. However, this can sometimes be challenging when working alone and juggling multiple tasks at once.

In this article, we will present you with 5 practical tips to optimize your time, expand your network, retain your most profitable customers, improve your service offerings, and implement a competitive pricing strategy.

Follow these tips to boost your revenue.

1- Developing your network

Having a strong network is essential to find new customers and business opportunities. To expand your network, participate in networking events, professional trade shows related to your industry, and join professional associations.

Remember to keep the contact information of each new connection in your sales management application, such as Track, so you can easily follow up and offer your services.

You can also use professional social networks, such as LinkedIn, to connect with other professionals in your field. Finally, position yourself as an expert in your domain by sharing your expertise, which can help you gain visibility and attract new clients.

2- Identifying your most profitable clients

Identifying your most profitable customers is essential for maximizing your revenue as a freelancer. It is important to understand which customers generate the most revenue for your business and focus your efforts on them to increase your sales.

This can be accomplished by examining your company's sales data to identify customers who have made the largest purchases or who have made regular purchases. Reports generated on Track can help you quickly get an overview of your top customers.

Once you have identified your most profitable customers, you can offer them exclusive promotions, discounts, or special benefits to keep them loyal and encourage them to buy more often. By focusing your efforts on these customers, you can increase your revenue and maximize the profitability of your business.

3- Implementing a competitive pricing strategy

To implement a competitive pricing strategy, it is important to have a good understanding of your market and competitors. You should have a clear idea of what other self-employed or businesses are offering and at what price.

It is also important to determine your costs and calculate a price that will allow you to cover your expenses and generate sufficient profit. This may include the time you spend working on each project, the cost of materials or supplies, overhead costs such as insurance, office rent, etc.

Once you have an idea of market prices and your costs, you can determine a competitive price for your services. It's important to find a balance between price and the quality of your work to remain competitive while offering added value to your customers.

You can use reports generated by Track to evaluate the profitability of your projects and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

4- Improve your service offering

To improve your service offering, it's important to understand the needs and expectations of your current and potential customers. Ask them for their feedback on your current services and what they would like to see improved or added.

You can also conduct research on market trends and customer needs to identify opportunities for developing complementary services.

Additionally, you can offer special deals for loyal customers, such as discounts for customers who make regular purchases or who refer your business to others.

Furthermore, you can consider offering additional services to your existing customers to increase their satisfaction and loyalty.

It's important to note that adding new services should be managed in a way that doesn't dilute your expertise or market positioning. Make sure to offer services that are consistent with your current activity and overall business strategy.

5- Optimize your time

As a freelancer your time is valuable for your business. To increase your revenue, it's important to optimize your time as much as possible. You can use time management tools to better plan your day, outsource non-essential tasks to focus on your core business, or even automate certain activities to save time.

By optimizing your time, you'll be able to handle more clients and thus increase your revenue.

In summary, increasing your revenue as a freelancer requires an investment in time and thought. By following these 5 tips, you can improve your financial results and professional satisfaction. Keep in mind that each business is unique and you should adapt these tips based on your industry and customers.

Why sales management is essential for freelancers?

· 3 min read
Sales management for freelancers

Sales management is essential for any freelancer who wants to grow their business. It encompasses all activities related to the sale of products or services, from prospecting to invoicing, including order and stock management. For freelancers, this may seem overwhelming, but effective commercial management is essential to ensure the growth of the business.

Here are some key challenges of commercial management for freelancers:

Stock management

Stock management is essential for any freelancer who sells products. It is important to know in real-time which quantities of products are available in order to respond quickly to customer demands. Inefficient stock management can lead to overwork, time and money loss.

Although Track does not directly manage stocks, our Business Coach offer helps you optimize your stock management. With our personalized support, you can identify the most popular products and adjust your stock accordingly. Moreover, our sales tracking tool allows you to quickly know when it is time to order new products.

Quote management

Quotation management is an essential part of commercial management. Accurate and professional quotations are important to convince customers to work with you. However, creating quotes can be time-consuming and tedious.

Track allows you to create professional quotes in just a few clicks with our quotation management tool. You can easily customize your quotes with your logo, add detailed descriptions of services and products, and send quotes directly to your customers from the Track application.

Time management

Time management is a key element of business management. It's important to be able to allocate time to the most important tasks, such as prospecting and sales management, while avoiding time-consuming tasks that can be automated.

Track can help you manage your time effectively through our task organization tool. You can create task lists and track the progress of each one. This allows you to know where you are in your work and optimize your time according to your goals.

Customers management

Customer management is another important aspect of business management for freelancers. It is essential to maintain good relationships with customers to build loyalty and grow your business. Freelancers must therefore be able to effectively manage their customer database, track interactions with customers, and respond quickly and efficiently to their requests.

Track also offers customer relationship management tools to help freelancers maintain good relationships with their customers. With Track, freelancers can manage their customer database, track interactions with their customers, and send quotes directly from the application. Freelancers can also use Track to track payments and follow up with customers in case of delay.

In conclusion, sales management is a crucial issue for freelancers. It allows them to maximize their productivity, improve their profitability, and grow their business. Thanks to sales management tools such as Track, freelancers can effectively manage their time, tasks, and clients, to focus on their core business and achieve their goals.

Save time and boost your sales with our Business Coach offering

· 2 min read
Business Coach for freelancers

Being self-employed is all about managing your time and business efficiently. That's why we've developed our Business Coach offering, a personalized support system to help you achieve your revenue goals and save time in your daily operations.

How does our Business Coach work?

Our virtual Business Coach will ask you questions about your business and objectives to help you define and reach them. You'll then receive customized advice to improve your productivity and profitability.

Goals defined with Track Business Coach Sales strategies with Track Business Coach Track Business Coach recommandations

We've also implemented tools for managing quotes and organizing tasks to facilitate sales tracking and eliminate wasted time. Say goodbye to billing errors or forgetting important tasks - our Business Coach offering will help you stay organized and efficient.

Quotations management on Track Tasks organization on Track

Save time with Track

With our Business Coach offering, you'll be able to focus on what really matters for your business. No more spending evenings on time-consuming administrative tasks - you'll be able to focus on your core business and develop your projects with peace of mind.

By increasing your productivity, you'll also be able to increase your revenue. With our virtual Business Coach, you'll be guided in making the right strategic decisions and identifying development opportunities.

So don't wait any longer to join the many self-employed individuals who have already benefited from our Business Coach offering and gain an edge over your competitors.

Download Track now and start saving time and boosting your sales!

Becoming freelancers in 2023

· 4 min read

Before starting this article, I would like to wish you all a happy new year 2023!

Whether you are entrepreneurs, employees, retirees, housewives or house-husbands, students, whatever your status: Happy New Year and I wish you a good health! 🎉🥂

If you are reading this article, it means that this year you have decided to become freelancer! First of all congratulations! 🥳 It's not easy to take this step, to put their fears aside, to brave the thoughts of their friends or family so for that bravo ! 👏

Becoming freelancers, this idea has been in your head for a while, you have thought about it, asked the "pros and cons". You did not find your place in companies, the market for your activity is very attractive at this time, you want to start a new professional life. The choices to become freelancers are multiple and personal but do not forget becoming independent is not without risk if you do not prepare for it.

The advice I can give you is to surround yourself well: lawyer, accountant, etc. All of these professionals will help you choose the best structure for your business.

Now that you have your professional status, here you are on the entrepreneur market. 🚀 (The rocket emoji is too much in 2023?! 🙊)

Your first step to start as an entrepreneur is to make yourself known to your future customers (we call them prospects) and your suppliers.

There are several methods for this:

  • Use your address book
  • Make your activity known on your social networks (Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, TikTok,…)
  • Go to fairs related to your activity and meet your future customers
  • Join local business associations

Whichever method you choose, the idea remains the same: target your market and meet your future customers.

Once you get started, meetings go by and the difficulty for all new entrepreneurs is to stay in touch with these ephemeral encounters.

How to keep in touch with your prospects?

On Track, [import] ( contacts from your address book directly into the app to easily and simply manage your communication with them.

Once your contacts have been added to your Track address book, you can assign activities to your contacts, this will give you an overview of the status of your relationship with the contact in question.

Below is an example of a situation with my contact “Judith PERVENCHE”:

Contact activity

I met Judith on December 2nd at the wedding fair in Troyes. I got his contact details (phone number and email address) which I saved in my Track address book. On December 05, I sent the presentation brochure of my services to Judith. On December 9, Judith, after reading my brochure, asked me for a quote for one of the services offered.

How do I offer a service or product(s) to my prospects?

Let's stay on the example of Judith PERVENCHE, after asking me by email, I provided her with my quote for the service requested by email.

In parallel, I register in TRACK the ongoing business that I have with Judith.

Contact Deals Contact Deals

My business is in "In progress 🚀" status, more exactly in "Quote sent 📤" because the quote for this service was sent to Judith on 09/12. I am waiting for his return to validate this case.

I can add a signature probability: low 🔴, medium 🟠 or high 🟢. In my case, I know that Judith has requested quotes from several competitors, so I'm not sure that she signs my quote.

After several days of waiting, having received no response from Judith, I decide to relaunch it:

Contact Deals

Judith replies that she will get back to me before December 23 as soon as all of her group of friends has validated the quote.

On December 19, Judith calls me back and wants to add a 6th person to the workshop and wants to negotiate a new group price. I accept his proposal and send him a new negotiated quote.

Contact Deals Contact Deals

I change the status of the current case to “In negotiations 🤝” and I change the probability to “Strong 🟢” because Judith is about to sign.

On December 20, Judith sends me back the signed quote!

Contact Deals

I change the status of the current case with her to "Signed 🎉".

Contact Deals

This was one of the many examples of how you can use Track.

Track is here to help you organize your relationship with each of your prospects or customers and to organize the follow-up of the business you have with them.

How to negotiate?

· 3 min read
How to negotiate

As an entrepreneur, craftsman or self-employed, your income is by nature irregular, unlike employees. And you quickly realize that the contracts you sign with your clients have a direct impact on your remuneration. It is the reason why the negotiation in your sales process is a fundamental element for the proper functioning of your activity and your business. In B2B, there are almost no rules except the law of supply and demand, the monetary value of your product or service is equal to your ability to negotiate. It is this last point that we would like to address today to give you the keys to a successful negotiation. We are not going to give you FBI-type techniques, etc. (see Christopher Voss's book, Never split the difference) here, but rather simple tips to gradually improve your confidence and get the best deals.

First of all, it is necessary to situate the context, are you a supplier or a customer of the service. Track users can use their CRM in both scenarios thanks to the activities

As a Supplier

As the supplier of the service or product, you are the seller. Your objective here is to sell at the highest price, meaning with the best margin. Beyond the quality of the product and the arguments that you would give to the customer, the first step is to know as much as possible about the context of the customer:

  • Current suffering without having your product
  • Budget that the client is able to pay (here the idea is to find out what the customer has been able to pay in the past for similar services or products)

The more contextual information you have upstream, the more you will be able to offer and negotiate at the fairest price. During the negotiation phase itself, the idea is to play on the levers, show the customer what he has to gain with your offer and to lose by not taking it.

PS: note all interactions with your customers during the negotiation phase in Track. All the members of your team will know much as you on the context of the customer.

As a Customer

As a customer, when you are the buyer, the main negotiating lever is competition. Thanks to this, you will first be able to know all the offers on the market both in terms of quality, capabilities and in terms of price. Here, the idea will be to ask the supplier you want to work with to match the cheaper offers of competitors who offer the same product or service.

Same here, the idea will be to keep track of all these exchanges in the Track app by contact thanks to the activities

To summarize

As a seller:

  • We need to kearn as much as possible about the client's context in termes of purchasing capacity
  • We use levers such as the benefits of the product/service

As a buyer:

  • Leverage competition

Your network is your net worth

· 3 min read

Your network is your net worth

Your network is your net worth

As freelancers or entrepreneurs, « networking should be the first thing to do to grow your business”

Your network will help you by:

  • Assessing your products or services
  • Connecting you with professionals contacts
  • Introducing your company
  • Making you feel less alone

Why build a network?

Have you ever noticed that the best opportunities are always invite-only and never advertised?

Have you ever noticed that the best job offers, apartment listings and other good deals in general are always provided by "friends".

It’s how the world still works for the most part.

And the business world is no exception. If you are looking for the best developer, the best graphic designer, the best accountant, the best supplier you need a network.

Your network will introduce you to the best contact.

In addition, to be in contact with professional contacts who will develop your activity, networking also allows you to meet other entrepreneurs or business creators like you. What to discuss on the tips and tricks discovered during your entrepreneurial adventure or to share your joys and your sorrows.

If there's one thing I've learned since becoming independent, it's that the return on investment in relationships is endless.

How to grow your network?

First, build the foundations of your network

Start by building the foundations of your network by relying on those around you: friends, family, colleagues, school friends... Do not hesitate to contact them and offer them a coffee or a drink to explain them your project.

At best they will give you advice, or even introduce you to a new circle, at worst they will listen to you attentively and will be a pillar of stability in your entrepreneurial adventure.

Import your contacts into your Track database to start feeding your environment.

This first setp will let you to prepare yourself before starting networking.

The best way to have networking is to go to the places where you can find people like you.

For example, if a garderner wishes to develop his or her network, he/she will be more likely to find contacts in a show dedicated to gardening rather than in a show dedicated to the automobile.

Note that there are not only shows to meet people. Ask your city hall or the services in your region, the goal of many local associations is to put entrepreneurs in touch with each other.

How to take care of your newtorK?

Once your network is established, it must be maintained. I like to imagine it like a chimney fire, if you don't give it wood to burn, the fire goes out. It's the same with your relationships.

Call them, send them messages, offer them lunches/dinners, and above all return the favour.

A network that works is a network where you get involved, otherwise it dies.

What kind of jobs can benefit from a CRM like Track

· 5 min read
CRM for any kind of jobs

A CRM for freelancers

Track perfectly meets the needs of a CRM for freelancers, whatever your job:

  • Freelancers in Information Technology (IT) whether in the role of consultant, project manager, developer, architect...
  • Freelancers in design: UI/UX designer, illustrators, 2D/3D graphic designers
  • Freelaners in content management: community managers, copywriters, webmasters...

Your clients ask you for by-day or fixed-price contracts. You need to track your customer requests in an easy-to-use tool. You are solicited by email, by phone but you have very little time to log and take note of your customer requests. Track is made for you.

A CRM for personal services professions

Personal services, whether self-employed or small businesses, are not exempt from the need for a customers management tool. There are many jobs that need a CRM application like Track:

  • Cleaning and ironing lady/man
  • Childminder
  • Hairdresser at home
  • ... All jobs that initially find their clients on jobbing platforms can switch to a CRM like Track once their clientele has been established.

A CRM for coaches

Professional coaches, whatever their specialty, must make the search of new clients and the follow-up of existing ones a priority. Coaches mainly provide services by the hour and must have enough qualified clients. The different types of coaches who can benefit from a mobile app like Track to manage their clients are:

  • Sports coaches (physical preparation, weight loss, freelance at-gym coach, running coach, boxing coach, etc.)
  • Personal development coaches (NLP, hypnosis, self-help, etc.)
  • The Agile coaches (who can be considered in the IT professions above)

A CRM for beauty professions

Aesthetics professionals are increasingly independent and use platforms to find their clients. These professions are:

  • Eyebrow beautician
  • Beautician manicure / pedicure
  • Hairdresser at home

Once their clientele is established, these businesses can follow up on their customers with platforms like Track. If their activity were to develop with new partners or employees, the sharing functionality of the Track database will allow all employees to share a common synced database of customers and services/product list.

A CRM for recruiters

Recruiters do not sell products or services. However, the sourcing (the search) of candidates can be similar to commercial prospecting. Recruiters are looking for a person at a given price (salary). The Track application can be used for this purpose without any problem. The professions concerned are:

  • Freelance recruiter
  • Head hunter
  • Recruiter in agency
  • Business manager/developper in a services agency

A CRM for real estate businesses

Real estate agents, whether in the search for properties or potential buyers, must organize themselves as well as possible so as not to miss any deal. This is the goal of Track, which is perfectly suited to the profession of real estate agents in their prospecting activity. Real estate industry jobs that can benefit from Track are:

  • Independent real estate agents
  • Independent real estate agents but part of a network
  • Goods dealers

A CRM for construction jobs

The construction jobs are not immune to the gig economy: new workers become freelancers and build up their client base, regular or not.

The concerned professions are:

  • House painters
  • Carpenters
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Architects
  • Interior designers
  • Kitchen designers

The Product functionalities of Track will make it possible to establish a catalog of products and services that the craftsperson can offer to his customers.

A CRM for investors

Investors (business angels, etc.) are also one of the professions that need a CRM. Between solicitations by email, phone or over a coffee, it is important to miss no deal and to have a deal flow always filled with qualitative opportunities. An application like Track perfectly meets this need. Keeping a list of contacts and interesting projects in terms of investment is essential. They will be able to use the attribution and deal tracking functionalities according to their probability of conversion.

A CRM for sales reps, VDIs, etc.

Sales representative, door-to-door sales, etc. are the salespeople par excellence. Due to their independence, they may lack specific tools for finding clients. These are the concerned professions:

  • Sales reprensentative
  • Door-to-door salesperson
  • Buyer-reseller, etc.

Everyone can rely on an easy-to-use CRM mobile app like Track to keep track of their business. The reports provided on Track app will allow them to follow their progress towards their turnover objectives.

A CRM for event providers

Events is a sector with a lot of subcontractors and freelancers. For corporate event, associations events, festivals or simply weddings, it is essential to follow-up on customer requests over time. Especially since the sales cycle is very long on these type of jobs. If you are part of this list of professions, Track can be very useful to you:

  • Caterer
  • Photographer
  • Videographer
  • Decorator
  • Florist
  • Rental of audio-video equipment
  • Car rental

Tracking of interactions by customer as well as monitoring of the deals pipeline will allow them to monitor their workload and activity.

Why a simple and mobile CRM?

· 2 min read

A simple CRM

Over the years, we have noticed that a lot of people: entrepreneurs, craftspersons, freelancers, self-employed, do not have a simple solution for managing their customers and their commercial activity. They struggle using either an Excel file on a computer or an expensive CRM solution whereas their need is simple: to be able to easily manage their customers and their sales pipeline.

A mobile-first CRM application

These people are not salespeople, and although their activity depends on sales, they still need to be focused on their main activity of craftspersons, entrepreneurs, etc. These professions do not have time, after a day of work, to fill in an Excel spreadsheet on a computer with the information of contacts and potential prospects for the day. They must be able to add or import potential customers live on their mobile phones during their day when they meet them or when they reach out to them.

An affordable CRM

Another reason why freelancers do not find a solution that suits them is the positioning of existing CRM editors: they only focus on the needs of large companies (or SMEs sometimes) which have dedicated sales teams with plenty of customization and a very high-cost per user per month.

White elephant

We think self-employed don't need a white elephant. They use these tools only a few times a day. This is why we offer our solution at a ridiculous cost or even for free for most of the use cases.

Track app, mobile and accessible CRM

Client follow-up screenshot

This is why we created Track: we empower every entrepreneur, every craftsman, and every freelancer by providing them with an affordable mobile application so that they never forget about any client or any deal and let them fully focus on their core business.

For a glimpse of all the jobs for which Track can be helpful and even be a must-have, have a look at our blog article.